I really don't know if I will ever have much to type about on my blog. If you speak to me in person, you might find that I have plenty to say, and love to talk. So, maybe journaling isn't really my best place to express myself. Yet, I figure I will give it a try.
I'm glad that I don't have cable tv anymore. The news gets me down. I would rather read some friends blogs. Besides, I can get the news on CNN.com or other news sources. But, I must say I miss seeing a "same" every night news anchor, telling me the reports, as if he or she was there. It's not the news itself, but the person delivering it, and their face that I had become fond of. I remember some of the news anchors as a child, and their familiar faces every night gave me a sense of security, like everything was normal and ok. I've never watched the news in the evenings with my kids, so I don't think that they will have that feeling. I don't miss Katie Couric. She's nice and all, but I really didn't like the black eyeliner she started to wear when she became the news anchor in the evening. She didn't wear black as much in the mornings, and with her skin colors, well it didn't seem to appeal to me. It was like her first night on evening news was a funeral or something. It's just and opinion, and maybe she liked the way she was dressed and her make up. I like Rachel Rays attitude. Cheerful, but not overly. So, maybe I miss alittle tv now and then, since the shows I enjoyed were like my friends. I believe that my life is different than I ever expected. Maybe difference is good. I wonder if I had too many expectations of things outside of me, instead of the inside of me. ???
Well, I'm looking at a day of finally seeing my husband. He's been working in the nights on his job, and we haven't seen him much at all this week. The kids will be glad if we have some time together. I have a little cold, and hope for it to end soon.
I've tried to explain to my littlest one about being careful to not choke, or get hurt. But she was confused, and talked about trying to die to go to God. So I tried to explain things differently, to correct the confusion. I told her we can be with God when we talk to Him, that He is with us. And we visit His house on Sunday. She must have thought that because I said that God lives in heaven. And on a different day she must have heard me say that my Grandpa was in heaven with God, and that he died. So she's smarter than I understood, and put them together. So, I'm going to watch her carefully, that she doesn't do anything to endanger herself. I will try to remember to talk about God's presence with us, in our hearts, more.
We moved a few weeks ago, so I really didn't have time to blog. The boxes are unpacked. It didn't take long. I'm thankful that this place is a quiet neighborhood.
We went bowling the other day, which was fun. But I didn't really live in the present for it. I was remembering a past difficulty. So, I will try not to think about the old for a while, and next time have more fun in the present.
Thanks for visiting with me today.