I hope to accomplish alot today. We will probably start a nature notebook again soon. We saw a red-orange rat snake out in the backyard the other day. And some of the birds are coming back. Cardinals and bluejays at the moment. As soon as our heat wave decides to go away, I will look forward to getting out in the yard and trying to make something look nice again. It was in the 90's still this week.
The kids are doing good. I have a new schedule, so that everyone gets a turn taking care of little one (M) during the day. I've found that my son enjoys reading to her. So, we've added in him reading to her in the evening. Also, (N) has a birthday coming up, and she's excited to go to the roller rink.
Little one (M) also remembers the library visits now, and asked for more. So, I think we will probably go on Wed.
I miss all my friends, and still have lots of dreams. One good friend came for a visit in August, and it was a God send. He said...."well...one sunny day....we will have plenty of time to visit." He meant the day we meet in heaven, and I am so thankful for his words. This phrase has been carrying me through many days. All my friends and family in this life are my treasures, and so, I remember them always, praying for God to bless.
Wow you posted this at 6 in the morning? Good for you!! Red rat snake? Library? We like both of those too :)