About Me

- Genevieve
- Fort Myers, Florida, United States
- Like a doves under the oak trees, the cool breeze on my wings, a butterfly visits. Silently awaiting the visit of my Shepard, to set with me, and teach me to fly.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Yard Work
Well, since I had procrastinated the yard work, I finally went out and did some. I worked hard today. The front yard was overgrown. I've hedged, raked, pulled lots of weeds. I am exhausted! Yet, I am happy that the much needed work got done.
Homeschool thoughts
As the next semester approaches, I have used the amblesideonline.org to guide my literature for the children. I have used an eclectic style with the kids for years, but I believe that the philosophy of Charlotte Mason has been my outlook regarding most education. My eldest daughter loves to read so much, and I hope to go to the library this week. I've written her an index card of the books I would like her to read before summer. I've done the same for my son. I'm considering moving my son up to a higher science, to challenge him more, and give his brain more to think about.
I'm trying to consider that I may not necessarily need more organized things, but more priorities to accomplish. We will be printing out our charts to keep us on a good schedule, and it helps to see some progress on them.
I really like the Abeka books for science. They are so interesting and all my children like them. I would like to incorporate some character based learning into our day. Since the town near us has a big Medieval Fair in February, I would love to do some unit studies on that this year too.
I'm trying to consider that I may not necessarily need more organized things, but more priorities to accomplish. We will be printing out our charts to keep us on a good schedule, and it helps to see some progress on them.
I really like the Abeka books for science. They are so interesting and all my children like them. I would like to incorporate some character based learning into our day. Since the town near us has a big Medieval Fair in February, I would love to do some unit studies on that this year too.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Ok! Success! I made my first Vasilopeta bread! It looks great. but, it has a hole in it! LOL ;) That's because I didn't have a regular round pan, so I used a bundt pan. I think it will be delicious. I can't wait to see who will get the piece with the coin!
Our oaks are falling leaves like there is no tomorrow. They don't just fall in autumn, but many times through the year. It's alittle annoying, but in the summer the shade they give is important.
Dear daughter and I were just looking at photos yesterday, and I was thinking...gee we need to start to scrapbook these. I don't really know when we will make the time!
Our oaks are falling leaves like there is no tomorrow. They don't just fall in autumn, but many times through the year. It's alittle annoying, but in the summer the shade they give is important.
Dear daughter and I were just looking at photos yesterday, and I was thinking...gee we need to start to scrapbook these. I don't really know when we will make the time!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A brisk morning in December
What a beautiful morning! Brisk weather for us here in Florida! I met a fellow crafter...she makes wonderful quilts and table runners! She's designed a fantasic primitive runner with black crows, all hand-made. Here is her shop- http://www.etsy.com/shop/CypressHollowGifts. Her items would make lovely gifts for any time of the year.
Also, I have been thinking alot about music, since I love to sing, play, and hear it! We love to hear lots of different types, and lately I just love Orla Fallon, who plays the harp as she sings. It is unique, to hear a type of music that is so much from the heart, a folk style, yet elegant! She with the other Celtic Women inspire my soul, and I appreciate their work greatly!
I hope to get started on some new projects soon! Have a blessed and Safe Happy New Years!
Also, I have been thinking alot about music, since I love to sing, play, and hear it! We love to hear lots of different types, and lately I just love Orla Fallon, who plays the harp as she sings. It is unique, to hear a type of music that is so much from the heart, a folk style, yet elegant! She with the other Celtic Women inspire my soul, and I appreciate their work greatly!
I hope to get started on some new projects soon! Have a blessed and Safe Happy New Years!
Monday, December 28, 2009
A Time to enjoy
We've been enjoying Christmas with making crafts, baking, and reading wonderful stories. Tonight we read The Wooden Doll by Susan Bonners. It was a good book. Also, our family always reads a book called "Babouska" retold by Arthur Scholey. This is a family tradition for us, which we love. I've enjoying caroling lots. My son & I have been trying to practice piano more. So, we have been busy, with at home activites for the family. I am looking forward to baking the Vasilopeta for St. Basil's Day.
Here's an explanation of this celebration at Highlights-
Have a blessed, safe, and Happy New Year!
Here's an explanation of this celebration at Highlights-
Have a blessed, safe, and Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Welcome Christmas!
We are in the christmas spirit! We've decked our halls, and enjoyed lots of time together preparing gifts and crafts. The weather has been warm and nice to get out and play. I hope to hear from some friends soon. I'm excited about my new store online, at www.etsy.com/shop/genevieve1642
Have a blessed holiday season!
We are in the christmas spirit! We've decked our halls, and enjoyed lots of time together preparing gifts and crafts. The weather has been warm and nice to get out and play. I hope to hear from some friends soon. I'm excited about my new store online, at www.etsy.com/shop/genevieve1642
Have a blessed holiday season!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I'm trying to get into a "Christmas Spirit", but it hasn't happened yet. We are involved in choir, ballet for little one, art projects at home, crafts, and then there is just trying to keep up the house. Right at this time, everything in my life seems strange, and different, and difficult. We have so many nice things, and I usually thank God for even my hot water in the shower. Yet, I have a struggle with a few problems, and they are like bricks on my back. I will get up tomorrow, and try to find a way to be calm, and still get some things done.
I have been alittle more happy, with my craft projects that I plan to work on. They seem to give me something else to do, besides chores. Also, I found a really great movie on Netflix about Greece, and it's history & archeology. My oldest daughter and I plan to watch it together!
This week one of the reverends at our church reposed. So, we are all alittle sad, and yet, thankful that his suffering is over. So, maybe after a little time of reflection and mourning, we will all be able to have a joyful Holy Season.
I have been alittle more happy, with my craft projects that I plan to work on. They seem to give me something else to do, besides chores. Also, I found a really great movie on Netflix about Greece, and it's history & archeology. My oldest daughter and I plan to watch it together!
This week one of the reverends at our church reposed. So, we are all alittle sad, and yet, thankful that his suffering is over. So, maybe after a little time of reflection and mourning, we will all be able to have a joyful Holy Season.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
An old-fashioned Cornmeal Pancake Recipe
My kids and I were at the park the other day, so I started speaking of recipes, and Paula Deen. The next thing I know, one of the ladies asked me about a pancake recipe that Paula had made on Tv. (I will call this friend Sally to ensure privacy) Sally had said that it was made of cornmeal, and seemed simple enough, but that she couldn't get it ot come out right. I said, "Are you talking about 'ho cake'? Sally didn't remember the name, but I said, "I can't believe you are talking about 'ho cake'! My great grandaddy lived on mostly fish and ho cakes. That's a basic southern recipe, and I'm sure that I have it in my families cook book." So, I was laughing, that Paula Deen had made this very simple meal, and gotten so much credit for a very old southern recipe. Anyway, I'm sure that Paula Deen probably put her own 'spin' on it, and made it will other items to make a wonderful meal. Here's the recipe I found, if you want to try it.
Ho Cake
1 cup plain corn meal
water or milk to taste
Salt to taste
Mix thoroughly all ingredients. Grease a small iron skillet. Cook until brown, then turn and cook the other side. Serves 1-4. Serve immediately.
This was my great-grandaddy's recipe. I never met him, but I know he thought it would taste best with fresh fish.
Ho Cake
1 cup plain corn meal
water or milk to taste
Salt to taste
Mix thoroughly all ingredients. Grease a small iron skillet. Cook until brown, then turn and cook the other side. Serves 1-4. Serve immediately.
This was my great-grandaddy's recipe. I never met him, but I know he thought it would taste best with fresh fish.
Life of St. Genevieve
Even though this is not near the day of her commemoration, I thought I would add this to my blog. I just love St. Genevieve.
St. Genevieve of Paris
January 3
In France 500 years after Christ's birth, there lived a shepherd girl with a blooming faith in her heart, the very same faith which budded in the hearts of the Judean shepherds who followed the star to the Lord's manger- bed.
Born into a wealthy family, the young Genevieve watched her family's flock as a matter of custom rather than need. Their home was in 'the lovely hill-country of Nanterre outside Paris. And in it Genevieve's soul was nourished with the Gospel message, the icons which illumined it, and the example of her parents' peaceful and pious lives.
One day the holy Bishop Germanus came to Nanterre and the people flocked to him as to a living iconof Christ. As he blessed the crowd, his eye fell upon the child Genevieve; his heart recognized the flame of love for God in her and he knew God intended to crown it with Divine Grace and unshakable faith. He called her to him, kissed her head, and told her parents that many would come to Christ because of her. Then he asked her, quite seriously, if she wished to dedicate her whole life to Christ, as a bride. And just as seriously little Genevieve replied that he had spoken exactly the desire of her heart. They entered the church for Vespers together and the Bishop rested his hand on her head until the end of the service.
The next morning the holy Bishop presented her with a medallion engraved with a cross and asked her never to wear another ornament but the Ornament of God's Grace through the Holy Spirit. With that, he gave his blessing to the townspeople and left Nanterre.At fifteen Genevieve was consecrated to the monastic life. When her parents died she went to live in a monastic community in Paris. The Evil One wasted no time in stirring up words against her, but the kindly Bishop Germanus treated her warmly in the sight of all and spoiled the Devil's plan to be rid of her quickly.
For the rest of her life the people of Paris wavered in their loyalty to her. One month they brought their sick to her for prayers and glorified God when their loved ones recovered. The next month the Wicked One sowed little seeds of evil in their ears and thoughts and they wanted to stone her. To his dying day her friend the Bishop stuck by her and even from his deathbed sent a message where- by she found favor with the people once again. As a reward for their repentance and because of Genevieve's heartfelt prayers and fastings with her sisters, God turned away an invading army and spared the city of Paris.
In her later life the Saint showed great compassion and steadfastness as Bishop Germanus had foretold. Once a pagan king, desiring to kill some prisoners, tried to do it before Genevieve could hear about it. He knew that if she begged for their lives he could not resist her pleas. But God told her about it and she rushed to the execution just in time to have the prisoners spared. People saw from this example that the prayers of this Saint must be very powerful before the king of Mercies is even a pagan king could not resist them.
One night in a violent rainstorm, the only lantern of Genevieve and her sisters blew out in the pitch dark of the muddy woods. Our Saint signed the lamp with the Cross of the Lord and a bright flame crowned the candle lighting their way to early morning Liturgy.
St. Genevieve reposed at a great age and her relics rest in the Church of St. Stephen in Paris, France.
Original Life in Orthodox Life, Dec. 1971; adapted for children by Agafeya Prince
January 3
In France 500 years after Christ's birth, there lived a shepherd girl with a blooming faith in her heart, the very same faith which budded in the hearts of the Judean shepherds who followed the star to the Lord's manger- bed.
Born into a wealthy family, the young Genevieve watched her family's flock as a matter of custom rather than need. Their home was in 'the lovely hill-country of Nanterre outside Paris. And in it Genevieve's soul was nourished with the Gospel message, the icons which illumined it, and the example of her parents' peaceful and pious lives.
One day the holy Bishop Germanus came to Nanterre and the people flocked to him as to a living iconof Christ. As he blessed the crowd, his eye fell upon the child Genevieve; his heart recognized the flame of love for God in her and he knew God intended to crown it with Divine Grace and unshakable faith. He called her to him, kissed her head, and told her parents that many would come to Christ because of her. Then he asked her, quite seriously, if she wished to dedicate her whole life to Christ, as a bride. And just as seriously little Genevieve replied that he had spoken exactly the desire of her heart. They entered the church for Vespers together and the Bishop rested his hand on her head until the end of the service.
The next morning the holy Bishop presented her with a medallion engraved with a cross and asked her never to wear another ornament but the Ornament of God's Grace through the Holy Spirit. With that, he gave his blessing to the townspeople and left Nanterre.At fifteen Genevieve was consecrated to the monastic life. When her parents died she went to live in a monastic community in Paris. The Evil One wasted no time in stirring up words against her, but the kindly Bishop Germanus treated her warmly in the sight of all and spoiled the Devil's plan to be rid of her quickly.
For the rest of her life the people of Paris wavered in their loyalty to her. One month they brought their sick to her for prayers and glorified God when their loved ones recovered. The next month the Wicked One sowed little seeds of evil in their ears and thoughts and they wanted to stone her. To his dying day her friend the Bishop stuck by her and even from his deathbed sent a message where- by she found favor with the people once again. As a reward for their repentance and because of Genevieve's heartfelt prayers and fastings with her sisters, God turned away an invading army and spared the city of Paris.
In her later life the Saint showed great compassion and steadfastness as Bishop Germanus had foretold. Once a pagan king, desiring to kill some prisoners, tried to do it before Genevieve could hear about it. He knew that if she begged for their lives he could not resist her pleas. But God told her about it and she rushed to the execution just in time to have the prisoners spared. People saw from this example that the prayers of this Saint must be very powerful before the king of Mercies is even a pagan king could not resist them.
One night in a violent rainstorm, the only lantern of Genevieve and her sisters blew out in the pitch dark of the muddy woods. Our Saint signed the lamp with the Cross of the Lord and a bright flame crowned the candle lighting their way to early morning Liturgy.
St. Genevieve reposed at a great age and her relics rest in the Church of St. Stephen in Paris, France.
Original Life in Orthodox Life, Dec. 1971; adapted for children by Agafeya Prince
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Some days...I don't have a clue
Yes, today was a day that I really hope I never have to remember. It wasn't so nice. Just kid problems, but it was an emotional roller coaster for me. I am sure that tommorow will be better. I have to say that my eldest daughter is a SUPER GIRL! She helps, and jumps right in when she sees mom is overspent. So I thank God for that!
Also, somehow, geckos and lizards keep finding there way into the house. They don't really bother me. The cat seems to enjoy them at night! :) I like the little geckos...they are kinda cute. They are usually tiny. But I'm glad that they aren't frogs or anything else. For some reason they make me smile or laugh.
I remember a time when I was a kid, and my brothers took me out in the backyard in a small boat. Yes, it was our backyard, full of water from days of rain. Their were tons of frogs and they kept throwing them in the boat, near or on me. It was awful. I like frogs now, but it took me a while to appreciate them again. My son does not like frogs at all and is scared of them. We see them often here, and I think it means that the envirnoment is healthy. I will try to take a picture if I see another one soon.
We still have a heat wave. We should be able to have a cold front on Monday, which I look forward to.
Also, somehow, geckos and lizards keep finding there way into the house. They don't really bother me. The cat seems to enjoy them at night! :) I like the little geckos...they are kinda cute. They are usually tiny. But I'm glad that they aren't frogs or anything else. For some reason they make me smile or laugh.
I remember a time when I was a kid, and my brothers took me out in the backyard in a small boat. Yes, it was our backyard, full of water from days of rain. Their were tons of frogs and they kept throwing them in the boat, near or on me. It was awful. I like frogs now, but it took me a while to appreciate them again. My son does not like frogs at all and is scared of them. We see them often here, and I think it means that the envirnoment is healthy. I will try to take a picture if I see another one soon.
We still have a heat wave. We should be able to have a cold front on Monday, which I look forward to.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A beautiful Sunny Day in Florida
Today is just wonderful. The weather is nice. Alittle warm in the afternoon, but great for outside play. We are enjoying being home, and little one played in the yard today. Then I brought her in for a bath. I think she was digging to China! It's a slow day....which is fine with me.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday Bingo
Our day on Friday was busy and fun. We went to the park, and the kids played a Bingo game. Little one had so much fun digging in the sand. She was covered with sand at the end. She loves dogs. She saw 2 dogs at a friends house and played with them alot. We also enjoyed our friends house, with lots of smiles. I hope that we will find some things to do this week around the yard, that we can improve. Besides raking leaves. I hope to start fertilizing my strawberry plants. I plan to make lots of candles, to get ready for a craft fair.
That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by!
That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Our library days
On Wed. we treked to the library, and they enjoyed the visit. My littlest found a playmate, and had a great time. Middle child was able to finish his language arts and math assignment. My eldest daughter enjoyed the day, and attended an art class. Afterwards, at home, we just enjoyed the sunshine and lower humidity.
I think that today will be nice, since it's my eldest daughter's birthday. I hope it will be special for her!
I think that today will be nice, since it's my eldest daughter's birthday. I hope it will be special for her!
Friday, October 16, 2009
New Homeschool Methods
We had a great day! I was so happy with the progress. Our latest new method of keeping the schedule worked. Only one problem, it requires me to run it. But, I expect that if I am consistant, then soon, middle child will know how the system works, and be able to have more independence. Then, I hope for more time with youngest child. I am excited about this. Can't you tell?
Also, I am getting ready for my eldest daughter's b-day party tomorrow. We plan to spend the day together in the morning, alone, and then go to the roller rink!
Also, I am getting ready for my eldest daughter's b-day party tomorrow. We plan to spend the day together in the morning, alone, and then go to the roller rink!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Ants, ants, ants
Anyone who lives in Florida understands the ant problem. My little one was bit again yesterday, 3 times on her little toe. She was very cranky and uncomfortable today. Otherwise, we did get some things done. We took a nice walk this morning, and stayed in otherwise, since the weather is still in the 90's in the afternoon. I feel like I'm still in summertime, except not on a vacation at all. I'm not complaining, but there it is. I am really excited about a Fall Festival our homeschool group will be having in November. I think it will be fun.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
All in time
I am reminding myself there is a time for everything. Today was difficult. God's grace has brought us through. I hope that tomorrow will be better. I'm actually thinking of planting something. Maybe some basil and herbs. They actually do ok sometimes near the front porch. The oak leaves are dropping constantly, so I did some raking today. So, while also pulling some weeds, I beg God to pull the weeds out of my heart. I am sure that there are still some in there, with those awful tap roots.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Monday morning
I hope to accomplish alot today. We will probably start a nature notebook again soon. We saw a red-orange rat snake out in the backyard the other day. And some of the birds are coming back. Cardinals and bluejays at the moment. As soon as our heat wave decides to go away, I will look forward to getting out in the yard and trying to make something look nice again. It was in the 90's still this week.
The kids are doing good. I have a new schedule, so that everyone gets a turn taking care of little one (M) during the day. I've found that my son enjoys reading to her. So, we've added in him reading to her in the evening. Also, (N) has a birthday coming up, and she's excited to go to the roller rink.
Little one (M) also remembers the library visits now, and asked for more. So, I think we will probably go on Wed.
I miss all my friends, and still have lots of dreams. One good friend came for a visit in August, and it was a God send. He said...."well...one sunny day....we will have plenty of time to visit." He meant the day we meet in heaven, and I am so thankful for his words. This phrase has been carrying me through many days. All my friends and family in this life are my treasures, and so, I remember them always, praying for God to bless.
The kids are doing good. I have a new schedule, so that everyone gets a turn taking care of little one (M) during the day. I've found that my son enjoys reading to her. So, we've added in him reading to her in the evening. Also, (N) has a birthday coming up, and she's excited to go to the roller rink.
Little one (M) also remembers the library visits now, and asked for more. So, I think we will probably go on Wed.
I miss all my friends, and still have lots of dreams. One good friend came for a visit in August, and it was a God send. He said...."well...one sunny day....we will have plenty of time to visit." He meant the day we meet in heaven, and I am so thankful for his words. This phrase has been carrying me through many days. All my friends and family in this life are my treasures, and so, I remember them always, praying for God to bless.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Starting a blog again
Well, it's about time to start a new blog. We have changed and grown alot together in the last year. Little one is running us all around, and giving us lots of smiles and hugs to brighten our day. My middle child is a challenge, and doing well. My interest in traveling in a vehicle is less everytime I drive. I enjoy being at home. Older daughter is such a big help to me. I just wonder if I can get us all in more of a groove soon. I feel like I am trying to hard, with out a good result yet. So, I beg God for patience, and for Him to direct my path.
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